3 Types of Dreamers
- The first type of dreamers want good grades at college, get a degree with 1st class, get a secure job, build a house & buy a car, and live with a wife & children until death. That sounds like good.
- The second type of dreamer wants to build a huge net worth in their lifetime. They want power, luxury life, money, wealth, fame etc. Their main target is to be a millionaire, multi-millionaire, billionaire or multi-billionaire.
- Finally, there are some types of dreamers, who don’t focus on money. They have big/crazy dreams to achieve like Elon Musk. His crazy dream is to send people to Mars & build a new world on Mars—a crazy idea. If we hear this statement for 20 years we will smile at him & say “he is a crazy person”.
That’s how you identify your crazy dream, if others are laughing at your dream & even you feel that this is not a realistic dream to achieve, then you have built your crazy dream.
Crazy Dreamers
- That’s how Edison removed the dark from earth by inventing the bulb, that’s how Henry Ford converted people’s travel more comfort by inventing luxury cars, that’s how Bill Gates built an operating system to afford everyone in the world, that’s how Steve Jobs built world best mobile phone, that’s how Mark Zuckerberg built world most powerful social media network, that’s how Jack Ma built world largest online selling platform, that’s how Warren Buffet built world best investing firm, that’s how Satoshi built most valuable cryptocurrency in the world, that’s how Larry Page & Sergey Bin built world most useful search engine. They all are crazy dreamers.
- They never focus on earning money or spending their life at the beach every day. That’s the difference between them & us. We start a business or invest in something to get rich quickly & get a luxury life. But that’s a poor mental condition & no one can succeed with such kind of mentality.
Who do you Want to be?
- First-type dreamers spend their lives happily because crazy dreamers build the infrastructure to be happy. They build mobile phones, computers, applications, luxury cars, TV series & movies, currencies, online selling platforms, and social media platforms to enjoy.
- The second type of dreamer also enjoys their life with high-luxury products & services that crazy dreamers build & provide.
So what will be our role in this section? Be a crazy dreamer or be a regular person. To be a crazy dreamer we have to make a lot of sacrifices. Let’s say you want to find a cancer medicine. That’s your crazy dream. So what should be your first step? You have to create enough capital to invest in research & find a medicine. For that, you have to earn enough money quickly. For that, you have to build a fast lane to create that capital within 3-5 years.
That’s how Elon Musk built the most powerful car on the planet, the most powerful space company on the planet. First, he built a huge capital by creating PayPal & selling it.
- Your path depends on your background. So every night before going to bed memorize, what did I do today to achieve my crazy dream? What steps did I take to achieve my crazy ideas? If you have taken enough steps to achieve, then you can be happy. That’s how crazy dreamers get happy in their journey. Not by only achieving the crazy dream, but by achieving each step.